Welcome to our summer/fall issue of Life Support. It has a new look. We decided to make the newsletter longer to fit in more amazing examples of how your donations are improving care and research.
The stories you’ll read are all evidence of why your support matters and how philanthropy changes lives. They remind us how privileged we are to live in the Ottawa region where our hospital is putting research to work, focussing on new healing possibilities for stem cells and leading clinical trials to improve treatment. Your support has helped us make exciting advances in technology, pioneering minimally-invasive techniques and introducing virtual reality to surgeons.
The bottom line is our research and innovation are having astounding results and even changing the prognosis for patients. And that really is in large part thanks to your support.
Your generosity couldn’t be more evident than in the amount we transferred to the hospital this year — over $17 million for research and care. Your donations are making a remarkable difference in the health of our community right now and for future generations.
Your children and their children will thank you for your forward thinking. There could be no better legacy than a healthy tomorrow.

Tim Kluke, President and CEO, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation
Click on the following images to learn more about your donations are responsible for a healthy tomorrow.