Our hospital attracts some of the best and brightest medical minds from around the world. Discover what inspired them to pursing a career in healthcare, the most exciting innovations in their field, and what you’ll find them doing when they aren’t at work.

Dr. Vimoj NairRadiation oncologist
Q: Can you tell us a bit about your early years? A: I was born in Kerala, which is a beautiful state in southern India. My dad was an accountant with an American firm, so I started travelling as a baby, and I think all that travelling made me a bit of a global citizen. … Continue Reading Radiation oncology and the right dose: meet Dr. Vimoj Nair
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Dr. Safraz MohammedStaff Neurosurgeon
Q: Can you tell us a bit about your early years? A: I was born in Trinidad and Tobago. My dad was a mechanic, my mother was a housewife. My mother’s family were all tradespeople and dad’s side were all farmers; no one had a high level of education until my siblings and I came… Continue Reading Kindergarten, kidneys, and Kitts’s motto: Meet Dr. Safraz Mohammed
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Dr. Kwadwo KyeremantengHead of the Critical Care Department
Q: What were your younger years like growing up? A: I was one of four, and as a kid, I was pretty big on sports. Hockey, soccer, baseball, volleyball, basketball — if we could do it, I’d play it. I was also the class clown. I did a little improv and was a big comedy… Continue Reading The doctor “on a mission to keep you out of the ICU”: Dr. Kwadwo Kyeremanteng
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Dr. Kawan Rakhra he/himRadiologist
Q: Can you tell us a bit about where you’re from? I was born and raised here in Ottawa, but I got a chance to do my training outside of Ottawa. I went to Queen’s University for my undergrad, then to Memorial University of Newfoundland in St. John’s for my medical training, and to University… Continue Reading Where’s Waldo? Healthcare Edition: Meet radiologist Dr. Kawan Rakhra
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Dr. Barbara Vanderhydenshe/herSenior Scientist
Keep reading to learn why physiology is like a puzzle and why sucking eggs is a good thing in Dr. Vanderhyden’s lab. Q: Can you tell us about your childhood and interests as a youth? A: I grew up Southwestern Ontario, first in Stratford and then in a small town called St. Thomas. Small towns… Continue Reading Puzzling physiology and sucking eggs
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Dr. Sarah Brandigampolashe/herPsychiatrist at the offsite On Track program
Q: Can you tell us a little about growing up and your early years? I grew up in Listowel, in the middle of Mennonite farming country. It’s a small town, with two stop lights. Growing up I was interested in a lot of different things, but I wanted to be a neurosurgeon or a star… Continue Reading Changing the narrative around psychosis
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Robin Lairdshe/herRegistered Nurse
Q: Can you tell us a little bit about your childhood and early years? A: I grew up in Belleville and I was a teenager of the ’70s — I was a cheerleader, on student council, and I loved high school. I married my high school boyfriend, and we’re still married. In school, I loved… Continue Reading Dealing in dialysis since 1986: meet nephrology nurse Robin Laird
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Dr. Rebecca AuerExecutive Vice-President of Research and Innovation at The Ottawa Hospital and CEO and Scientific Director at The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.
Q: What were your early years like? A: Ottawa has always been my home; I grew up here, went to high school here, and went away for my undergrad in Toronto and medical school in Kingston before coming back to Ottawa for my surgical residency. I wasn’t fantastically good at school when I was younger.… Continue Reading From Terry Fox to Bruce Springsteen — this cancer researcher was “Born to Run”
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Dr. Shawn Aaronhe/him2023 recipient of the Dr. J. David Grimes Career Achievement Award
In recognition of his practice-changing research, he has been named the 2023 recipient of the Dr. J. David Grimes Career Achievement Award. Read on to learn why Dr. Aaron chooses to work at The Ottawa Hospital, what he’s excited about for the future, and why research isn’t like tennis. Q: Can you tell us a… Continue Reading Peaking early, early detection, and research as a team sport
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