Philanthropy for the Next Generation

Not long after the Rose Ages Breast Health Centre opened, six 11-year-old children arrived with a sandwich bag of money they wanted to donate to breast cancer research.
These young fundraisers had been inspired to make a difference by a neighbourhood mom’s journey with breast cancer. What they didn’t realize is that they would be making a difference for their grown-up selves. At some point in their future, these generous young people will most likely need the care of The Ottawa Hospital. This is a hospital for future generations. The idea of paying it forward is what inspired the Downey and Jones families to make generous gifts to kidney research—to improve care for their grandchildren. As well, Annie Grenon’s gift in her Will to the hospital will pave the way for the exceptional care her granddaughter might need when she becomes an adult.

Exceptional care is something The Ottawa Hospital provides to all patients in our region. But our reach also extends beyond, to people like Joellie Qaunaq (on our cover), who come to the cancer centre because The Ottawa Hospital is the sole provider of care to patients from eastern Nunavut.
Your generous support helps us open new centres of health-care excellence, boosts research, and leads to innovative treatments developed right here in Ottawa that will heal patients in our region, and elsewhere in Canada and around the world.

I have seen incredible change in health care in the 17 years that I’ve been CEO—improvements in treatment that have undoubtedly saved more lives. With your help, we have invested in innovative research, making world-first discoveries in our labs, testing them in clinical trials and, in many cases, changing medical practice around the world.
It is donors like you whose unwavering support has allowed us to provide the very best technology and treatment—the very best care—to patients who come from across eastern Ontario, western Quebec, Nunavut, and in some cases from coast to coast because we are the only hospital who can provide them with the care they so desperately need.
On behalf of the thousands of patients and families who need The Ottawa Hospital—now and in the future—I thank you.

Community support allows us to conduct world-class research at The Ottawa Hospital and provide the best possible care for our patients.
We’re also performing a number of worldleading clinical trials and treatments using stem cells, genes, and viruses. These innovative therapies have the potential to redesign the future of medicine.
Our success is also evident in our research publications and grants. In the last three years, we’ve had a 50 percent increase in highly influential research papers. And we now rank third out of more than 600 hospitals for funding from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.
You have made this possible. Thank you!

Click on the following images to learn more about the stories that inspired our Annual Report. The full Annual Report can be found here (PDF).
Read The Ottawa Hospital Annual Report 2018-2019 here.